Being an Artist Mama…
I came up with this “title” for myself a couple months back. It basically categorizes how I see myself daily. 
I am an artist. I am a mama. Therefore I am an Artist Mama. 
I’m sure there are lots of moms out there who feel like your creative life evolved when you became a mother.
Mine certainly did. There is a whole new soul to learn and teach. My son teaches me things all the time and he is so interested in learning about creating it makes me so proud. Creativity to me is always going to be a part of our daily routine. Experimenting with colors, shapes, lines and textures is all part of the fun. I have been contemplating doing a little kiddy class where kids can experiment, learn and grow creatively. 
If this is something you would be interested in please shoot me an email at k r o s e s t u d i o @ h o t m a i l {dot} com
Have a lovely Wednesday all!!
“Artist Mama” aka k. rose